Celestial Plague Chapter Headers

Hi all!

With Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana going up for pre-order soon I thought I’d show you what the chapter headers will look like! Each of the main characters - Shannon, Ashleigh, Raya and Jenna have one. Every time there is a POV switch, their chapter header will show up. I wanted to make it easier for people to read without trying to figure out who the POV of each chapter is.

I originally had designs for each character planned out but that changed when it came to hiring an artist. All of the chapter headers are now animal related instead of Ashleigh having the sun. I think this makes the chapter headers looks better and also sticks to a theme.

Make sure you check out the artist, Bruja verde, their art is beautiful and they deserve some love!

First up - we have Shannon. As a winged character, I knew that having a bird as her header would make the most sense. Hers was the first one I came up with as I knew birds would be involved in her header in some form. Once I decided on the animal theme, it was only natural that she would be a bird.

Ashleigh’s design is the one I flip-flopped the most on. I wanted to go with a chameleon at first but I was worried that it wouldn’t make sense as her power has a slim connection to the animal. I thought a sun would be a good idea instead as it would signify her rise through the series. Ultimately I went with the animal theme so the chameleon came back.

Like Shannon, Raya’s header was quite simple to choose from. Her power is shapeshifting into a panther, so it only makes sense that her chapter header would be a panther too. I’ve name this panther Damisa after her feline counterpart in the books.

Jenna’s header is my favourite out of all the designs. As her power is breathing underwater with her gills it’s only natural that her header would be a fish. Bruja verde really went above and beyond with this one, I think the fish itself is gorgeous.

There is one final chapter header… But you’ll have to read the books to see it! To post it here would be a spoiler for book two onwards. It’s another gorgeous design that follows the animal theme. I’ll give you a hint… Metamorphosis plays a big part in the Celestial Plague universe. The virus has a life-cycle that ends in a complete change for the host.

Once again, make sure you check out Bruja verde! Curse of Anubis is another series that has multiple POVs so I will go back to them to get the chapter headers for those books too.

That’s it for this week, which chapter header is your favourite? Let me know in the comments! See you next week.

PS; if you’re looking for some new books to read over Summer, make sure you check out the ones in these bundles:

Young Adult Sci-Fi & Fantasy

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