Why Authors Need Reviews

Hi all!

As I have now published Blood and Water I wanted to make a post about reviews and why they're so important to authors.


The more reviews a book has, the better. This is because it gives the reader a chance to skim through what other people think before buying. Also, to market on certain book sites you need to have a certain number of reviews. Some ask for five, some ask for twenty or more. If you review the book, the author is one step closer to being able to market it on certain sites.


Authors get lots of feedback from reviews, good and bad. This can help them see what people liked or didn't like and whether there is something about the story, cover or formatting that could be improved upon.

Amazon exposure.

The more reviews a book has on Amazon, the more likely Amazon is to recommend it to others. It also contributes to the overall sellers rank, so if they get enough sales and reviews they can break into the top 100.

Goodreads rating.

On Goodreads, you can rate and review a book if you wish. This is good for authors to see how well their book is doing. If your Goodreads account is connected to Amazon, you can review on one site and have it posted to both. This saves you time while also giving the author a boost.


Unfortunately there will be people who deliberately leave bad reviews. Some don't even read the book, instead they just rate it badly because Amazon recommended it to them or they think that by rating others badly their book will perform better. By reviewing, you can balance out the bad review and give the author some confidence.

Authors loving hearing what people think.

Putting a book out there is scary, and when people review the book it shows the author that not only are people buying it, but some are enjoying it too!

Blood and Water's first review.

Blood and Water's first review.


By reviewing, you can encourage the author to keep writing. This is good for books in a series, if you're invested in the characters and are desperate to know what happens in the next book, say!


Some authors like to post good reviews on their covers to try and attract more readers. This shows they appreciate their feedback.

Social media.

As with covers, some authors like to post their best reviews on social media. If you review, you might see your review reposted on one of their social media profiles!

If you have read Blood and Water and have enjoyed it, please leave a review! I'm grateful for any feedback I can get as it's my first book and I want to know what people think.

I hope you enjoyed this week's blog post, see you next week!


My Publishing Plan

Hi all,

With Elemental Dragons Book 1: Blood and Water now out I thought I would talk about my publishing plan so you all know when I will be releasing my next book.

I'm hoping to release a book every six months, so the plan for Elemental Dragons will look like this:

Book 1 - October 2019

Book 2 - April 2020

Book 3 - October 2020

Book 4 - April 2021

Hopefully if that goes well then I'll follow the same plan for my future books. I've got a vague idea of the order I want to publish them in which will be as follows:

Celestial Plague series. (3 books)

Years standalone.

Possible Elemental Dragons prequel.

Damaged Goods series. (3 books)

Possible Damaged Goods prequel.

Curse of Anubis series. (4 books)

Street Rats standalone.

Enna standalone.

Aerus Vs Bolt standalone.

This may be subject to change depending on what I feel like writing next, or if I come up with a new idea that I'm desperate to write straightaway.

Six months gives me enough time to get everything ready but also makes sure that the readers have consistent content. Having written all four books in the Elemental Dragons series already, I'm confident that I can keep it up.

Thank you to all those who have already bought my book, and I hope you're enjoying it! If you want to show your support, please leave a review on Amazon, it really helps me.

See you next week!


Why Marketing my Book is Hard for me

Hi all,

It's been a while since I've done a post about mental health, and today I've done something that I think is worthy of a blog post.

As authors, self published or traditionally published, we have to market our books so readers can discover them. It's a lot harder than it looks, as most of it is just trial and error until you find something that works for you. Unfortunately, as a sufferer or anxiety and depression, marketing is very difficult for me to do.

Let me explain.

Today I sent four emails to various writing groups to ask them if they would be interested in reading my book.

It took me two hours to build myself up to pressing the send button on each. The amount of anxiety I felt was horrible, I felt like I was back in school again. Despite being much better than I once was as a teenager, communication is still hard for me. The feeling of 'they're just going to say no' is still very strong. I wrote those emails over and over, worrying that I'm sounding too robotic or too casual. Even now, an hour after sending those emails, I'm expecting them to berate me for even asking.

Marketing is a huge part of publishing a book, and in my eyes, the scariest. I've been judged by people so much in life and now I have to go through it all again. As much as it pains me to send those emails, I know I have to do it.

I have to give Blood and Water a fighting chance.

If I just release it and don't bother marketing it, it won't sell. I need to market so people can find it, no matter how terrifying it is.

My next step is to put up posters around my hometown and ask libraries if they would be interested in displaying a poster. While writing, editing and publishing the book was scary, this is so much worse.

My anxiety is threatening to overpower me once again, but I'm fighting back. Yes, it might take me a few hours to send an email and yes, fretting so much about a poster can seem trivial.

But in my eyes, it's terrifying.

I've seen a lot of people talk about authors hating marketing because they're introverts and hate to big themselves up. I however, want to talk about the mental toll marketing can have.

It doesn't matter how mentally strong you are, marketing is draining and absolutely terrifying. It's not just about being an introvert, it's about being genuinely scared of rejection.

As authors we face rejection at every angle, marketing is just something else to worry about. Querying was bad enough, but in the end every email I sent out I knew I would get a 'no' from. That's when I decided to self publish. But with marketing, you can't just decide not to do it, it's vital for your book.

I'm hoping that one day I will just go numb to the feeling of marketing like I did with querying, and then it won't scare me anymore. Until that day, if it ever comes, I'm going to carry on trying.

Whether it takes minutes or hours, I will continue to market my books.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed. See you next week.


How to Support Your Favourite Authors

Hi all,

With the release date for Blood and Water now exactly a month away, I thought I'd make a post on how to support authors. Most people think that buying their books is all they can do, which isn't true!

Buy/borrow their books.

This is the one most readers know about. If you can't afford to buy an author's book, borrow it from the library instead. You're still supporting them by reading their work!

Write a review.

Authors rely on reviews because it means that more people will see their book. Some sites, such as Amazon, will promote books once they have a certain number of reviews. A lot of book promotion sites also only promote books once they have a number of reviews.

Follow their social media.

By following their social media you're showing an interest in what they're doing. They may also post about what they're working on and events they'll be attending.

Tell them how you feel about their work.

Whether it's a letter or a DM, if you love an author's work, tell them. Authors write for their readers, and most would love to hear their feedback.

Tell others about their books.

By telling other people that might buy their books, they can get more sales and reviews.

Sign up to their mailing list.

You can show that you're a fan by signing up, and in return you get to see what they're working on and when their next book will come out!

Attend events.

If the author is attending a certain event and you can as well, most won't mind if you want to say hi!

Pre-order their books.

To show an author how excited you are to read their work, pre-order their book! It will also help them climb through the ranks on Amazon.

Rate their books on Goodreads.

Books with a lot of ratings will be seen by new readers. Some people base whether they will read a book or not depending on how many other people have rated it.

If they're up for an award, vote for them.

If your favourite book is up for an award, make sure you vote and let other people know. Authors rely on reader's votes in competitions.

That's it for this week. I hope you enjoyed reading!


The Worst Parts of Querying

Hi all,

As #pitmad was this week I thought I would talk about querying agents and publishers.

Before I decided to go down the self publishing route, I queried my novel with over 70 agents and publishers.

All of them rejected Blood and Water.

Querying is nerve wracking enough as it is, but for me, the responses were the worst part. Most of the agents were courteous in their rejections, but seeing that 'no' did make my heart sink. In this blog post, I'm going to talk about the reality of querying.

Some agents never reply.

It doesn't matter how much work you put into your first chapters and cover letter, some agents just don't reply. I know that they have to through thousands of queries, but I'd still much prefer a 'no' to silence. Out of the 77 I queried, 31 never replied.

Don't expect feedback.

With so many queries to go through, they can't afford to spend time writing a long email about what could be improved upon. If you receive one of those emails, great. Read their feedback and see what you can action.

Some emails will just be the word 'no'.

Don't get offended. With so many queries to go through, the emails may just be short and sweet. Just be thankful that you heard back so you can query someone else.

It's a lot of research.

A lot of agents like your query letter to be personalised for them, which means that they'll keep an eye out for bits where you mention their favourite book or what they're looking for. Some agents just reject a query if it's not personal enough, whereas some don't like personal details at all. Include one or two, like their favourite book, but don't go overboard.


Unfortunately, there will be the minority of people who are rude. I had two agents reply to me in a rude manner. One told me that my idea was great but my writing terrible. She told me that I should hand over the idea to someone with 'talent'. Another told me to stop writing forever as I wouldn't get anywhere. Be aware that these responses are rare, and just shake them off. Don't let their words get to you.

Some will make you jump through hoops to send an email.

I once came across an agency that required you to watch three six minute videos to get special 'codes' so you could query them. Emails without these codes would be rejected outright. I would advise against querying these kinds of agencies, it's too much for a simple email.

Their website bios might not match what they actually want.

I queried an agent that stated in her bio that she specifically wanted books about YA books about dragons. Great! I sent her an email and a week later got one back that said she isn't looking to represent YA. I double checked her bio and it definitely stated YA. See what they post on their social media to see if your book would be a match.

You may be waiting months for a reply.

Although some agents reply within a few weeks, some take months. My quickest rejection was two days, but the slowest was seven months. Query between 6-8 agents at a time, and once most have got back to you, send out another batch of queries.

That's it for this week. Hope you enjoyed it, it's just a few weeks now until Blood and Water comes out, so if you want to pre-order your copy please visit my books page.

See you next week!


Why I Chose to Dedicate my Book to my Grandfather

Hi all!

This week I'm going to talk about dedicating Blood and Water to my grandfather.

At first, I wasn't really sure if I would use the 'dedications' page in my book, I didn't really think about it too much. But, then my grandfather got admitted to hospital. Although he's much better now, the thought of him being so ill hasn't left me.

So, I thought I'd put his name in Blood and Water.

Yesterday I gave him the very first physical copy of my book and he absolutely loved it. He even said he would read it before he went to bed!

Throughout my writing journey, he has always supported me and read my stories. Even when I was younger writing about Warrior Cats and stories about my own cat, he continued to read them and encouraged me to keep going. He loved hearing my ideas about Rocky being a spy cat or a runaway feline trying to find his way back home. The ideas were silly, but he still encouraged he to keep going.

Almost every time I see him, without fail, he'll ask how my writing is going. He's known of my plans to become an author since I was young, and never tried to dissuade me from following my dream.

Although there are many people (and cats) I can dedicate my books to, I wanted him to be the very first. I wanted to thank him for supporting me.

He didn't notice the dedication at first because he was so excited, but once I pointed it out he was ecstatic.

Me and my grandfather

Me and my grandfather

In my mind, there was no-one who deserved the first dedication more than him. Some authors choose not to dedicate their books to anyone, which is their own choice. Don't feel put off by adding a dedication, it just shows that you want to highlight the person in your work as a thank you. You don't even have to dedicate books to a person, you can pick an animal or organisation if you want. It's your work, do whatever you want with it, and don't let other people tell you otherwise.

That's it for this week! Next week I will be attending the launch party for the anthologies that I was published in earlier in the year: Adverbially Challenged Volume Four and Sensorially Challenged Volume Two. So, my next post will be about that experience and how I'm going to attempt to reduce my anxiety beforehand.

See you next week!


Why I Didn't Use a Pen Name

Hi all,

This week I'm going to talk about why I didn't use a pen name instead of my real name for my books. For those who don't know, a pen name is a pseudonym for an author to write under instead of using their real name. There's a variety of reasons why authors choose pen names, but that's not what this blog post is about.

As I've written about in the past, I do suffer from depression and anxiety and have done so for many years. Although I'm much better now, I spent years in the dark with regards to my mental health as not many people listened. I only got diagnosed three years ago, after going to three separate doctors at three separate surgeries.

I was so tempted to use a pen name because I thought that the people who I went to school with wouldn't be able to find me. I wanted to hide from them, in case they decided to go after me again and everyone sided with them. Many of my 'friends' ignored how I was feeling, and thought I was just making it up for attention. I was worried that they would find my books and slam me online if I used my real name. I thought they would just tell people that I'm lying and they would be instantly believed.

I didn't want my career dragged through the mud.

I didn't want those people dragging me back to my darkest days.

However, once I started taking medication my mindset changed. I didn't want to hide from those people anymore.

I wanted them to find me.

I wanted them to see that despite everything I've still kept going and I haven't succumbed to their idea of me - a quiet girl doing absolutely nothing with her life.

I want them to see that despite mentally being destroyed for years, I'm still pursuing my dreams. I don't care if they find me now. I don't care if they find my books and hate them.

I beat them.

I beat their preconceived idea of me.

Now that my anxiety has lessened, I now realise that it was silly to think that everyone would side with them. Many people I've met on Twitter have been extremely supportive of me, and I doubt one nasty person slamming me online would sway them so easily.

Many authors use pen names for a variety of reasons, but I realised that a pen name won't protect me from these people. It was the wrong reason to use a pen name, to hide from people I hadn't seen for years.

So, I am using my real name.

If people want to use a pen name to hide their identity - so be it. I'm just glad that they're getting their work out there. It's just that using one wasn't for me.

Some of these people have found my Facebook or Twitter pages I'm sure, but I'm not bothered. It means they can see what I've become now - a strong woman rather than the timid little girl they still envision me as.

That's it for this week, hope you enjoyed the post! A little update on Blood and Water - it will be available for preorder over the next few weeks, so keep an eye out!

Elemental Dragons Artist Showcase

Hi all!

This week I thought I'd do something a little different. There have been so many people involved in bringing Elemental Dragons to life, and I want to dedicate a blog post to them. This week I'm going to showcase the artists that have been involved in Elemental Dragons. From posters, illustrations to book covers.

First off, I'm going to start with Deranged Doctor Design.

They designed the ebook and print covers for Blood and Water, which look gorgeous. They also designed the banners for my website, Facebook page and Twitter page. They are always so helpful and seem to know exactly what I want! That's why I have booked all the covers for Elemental Dragons with them. If you want to check them out, I have linked their website below:


Blood and Water Ebook cover

Blood and Water Ebook cover

The rest of the artists I discovered when I signed up to Fiverr. Their art is gorgeous and affordable, so if budget is a problem I would recommend going there for book covers, illustrations or promotional work.

The first Fiverr artist I want to showcase is stevcelazarevsk. They created the picture of Aqueous which I will be using for promotion. They're really talented, and I would highly recommend checking them out below:


Aqueous, which I will use when promoting Blood and Water

Aqueous, which I will use when promoting Blood and Water

Another Fiverr artist that I commissioned is Autumn9th, who created the illustrations inside the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection. (Which you get for free when you sign up to my mailing list!) They knew exactly what I wanted and always delivered on time. You can check them out here:


One of the four illustrations in the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection

One of the four illustrations in the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection

The last artist is shashika2, who made the cover for the Short Story Collection. I wasn't totally sure what I wanted and gave them the option of doing whatever they thought was best. I was very surprised at the end result as I loved it and it was better than I'd imagined. You can see their work below:


The cover for the Short Story Collection

The cover for the Short Story Collection

That's it for this week! One day I'll do a showcase for everyone else who has helped with Elemental Dragons, which includes: my editor, blurb writer and poster designer.

See you next week!

Pros and Cons of Facebook Pages

Hi all!

This week I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of Facebook pages. A Facebook page is a business page you can create on Facebook that fans can follow to see your posts. Many authors have Facebook pages for themselves, their books or both.

I currently just have a Facebook page for myself, which you can follow here:



It's another platform to communicate with readers.

Millions of people use Facebook daily, which is a big potential audience for you. By tapping into this audience, people may discover you that wouldn't have done so otherwise.

You can create Facebook ads.

Having a business page means that you can create ads on Facebook to advertise your page, website or books. You can pick what audience you want to target and what budget you're comfortable with. This means more people can discover your book.

You don't have to post as often.

On many social media pages you have to make sure you post daily to keep your audience interested. However, on Facebook most only make one or two posts a week and will manage to keep interest. I only post on mine once a week, twice if I have any announcements. This makes managing the page much easier.

Image and video posts do better.

I have found that posts with an image attached get more engagement than just a regular status update. This can allow you to be creative with your posts and take pictures of your writing routine, excerpts or stationery.

You can choose to make a separate page for book series.

This is good if people are a huge fan of one particular series of yours. You can then manage this page and connect with fans before an unofficial fan page pops up.


It's harder for people to find you.

Unlike Twitter where you can connect with others via hashtags and games, Facebook isn't really like that. Many people won't stumble on your page without advertising.

Too many pages.

If you have, or are planning to write, several different series then the amount of Facebook pages can get out of control. At first I created an Elemental Dragons page, but I deleted that when I realised that I would have to do that for every book series and run them all. I've currently got three other series planned as well, which means that plus my author Facebook page I would have to run five pages. I decided that it wasn't worth the hassle and have decided to stick to just my author page, which saves a lot of time.

Ads might not do as well as you'd hoped.

You have to do a lot of testing to find the perfect ad that draws people in, which can cost a lot of money you don't have. When you post that perfect ad, you may be disappointed that it didn't do as well as you'd hoped.

People are more likely to miss your posts.

With the way Facebook is set up, you can easily miss posts from pages you are following. Although people can pin your page so that your posts are the first they see, most people won't do that as they want to see other posts first.

Unofficial fan pages.

Although a fan creating a page for your book can be flattering, you have no say in what they post. If they post things that you don't agree with, people might think that it's your view and they won't be interested in your books anymore.

I hope you enjoyed this week's post, see you next week!

Why Authors Need to Promote Their Books

Hi all,

As promised, this week I'm going to talk about book promotion. Specifically why authors, both traditionally and self published, need to promote their work.

For those who don't know, book promotion is essentially advertising your book. There are many ways to promote your book:

- Social media.

- Facebook ads.

- Amazon ads.

- Posters.

- Social media banners.

- Book trailers.

- Interviews.

- Newsletter.

- Mailing list.

- Author website.

- Articles.

- Book Awards.

- Q&A.

- Promotion sites.

- Giveaways.

- Book signing.

- Book tour.

- Contests.

- Discounts.

- Reviews.

- Book bloggers.

Some of these are free, but most of them cost money. What's important is that you find what works for you, instead of dumping hundreds on a marketing strategy that doesn't deliver.

Now, onto why authors need to promote their books.

While traditionally published authors do get some help from their publisher, they still need to promote themselves. The publisher won't do everything, it's up to you to make posts on your social media and update your website.

Readers will find your work.

Without promoting your book, how will readers know it exists? You can't expect them to magically find you. With thousands of books being published every year, you need to make sure that they find yours.


The more reviews you get, the easier it is for readers to find you. A good mix of reviews will interest readers in buying your book, as people have rated it before. Plus, many promotion sites won't promote you unless you have a certain number of reviews.

You can't just rely on word of mouth.

This only goes so far, plus you need to find people to talk about your book first. Once you start getting more readers, you can rely on word of mouth a bit more.

You'll build an audience.

If you build an audience that like your work, they are more likely to buy your next book. You can't just rely on your family and friends for book sales.

You can be creative.

It's your brand, so you can market how you like. You can pick how you want to promote your book and target your audience.

You don't need to spend loads of money.

Although marketing can be expensive when you create ads, they aren't the only way to market your book. Posting on your website and social media doesn't cost a penny, and using promotional sites doesn't have to cost much. If your budget is low, choose wisely what marketing options to choose.

Self publishers need to.

If you don't promote your work when you're self published, no-one will find it. You'll miss out on so many potential readers by not marketing your book.

You don't have to do it alone.

This is especially true with social media, as your fans can post about your book and share your posts. Every like, comment, post and share helps.

Next week I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of authors having a Facebook page. Hope you enjoyed, see you next week!