2022 Year in Review

Hi all,

Next week I’ll be writing about my goals for 2023. As always, I want to look back at my goals for 2022 and see how well I did. My mental health has been far better this year, allowing me to do more than last year. Still, I thought it would be fun to look back!

Write four books.

I’ve managed to complete the first drafts of five books this year, they are:

Original Elementals #2: Maelstrom.

Original Elementals #3: Shadowhunter.

Celestial Plague #4: Hell.

Original Elementals #4: Devouring.

Original Elementals #5: Tempest.

Publish two books.

Years was published in April and Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana was published in October.

Get three covers designed.

The first two books in the Celestial Plague series both have covers now. The reader magnet, Celestial Plague #0: Seashine, also has a pretty cover.

Self-edit all of the Celestial Plague series.

Unfortunately, I haven’t quite managed to reach this one. Seeing as I decided to write a fourth book in April, it messed up my editing plans a bit. The first three books have been self-edited, the first two have been with my editor. But the fourth one will be edited by myself next year.

Write the Years reader magnet.

Solar Child has been written and sent out to my newsletter subscribers! Although I struggled writing it before, I came up with an idea that clicked. I’m glad that I managed to write it and send it out before Years was published.

Make two reader magnets available to my newsletter subscribers.

Solar Child and Seashine have both been sent out to my newsletter subscribers. That brings the total up to four free enovellas that are available to those who sign up to my mailing list.

Submit more short stories.

I’ve written a lot more short stories this year, which is great! Quite a few have been submitted to anthologies that I’m just waiting to hear back from. One has been accepted into an anthology that should hopefully be out in January.

Read 100 books.

The year had a rocky start because I didn’t start reading again until early February. Still, I found a lot of good books that I devoured pretty quickly which helped me catch up. I managed to hit my goal of 100 with only a few days to spare!

Grow my mailing list.

Unfortunately I didn’t manage to hit my goal of 500 newsletter subscribers. I’ve had to trim my list a few times this year which has brought the total down. Still, I’m incredibly happy for the subscribers that I have and I’m glad that they’re enjoying my content!

Focus on Amazon ads more.

I set up a few automatic ads and left them. Around June, one started getting loads of clicks. This really surprised me, especially as that momentum continued into July and August. Although I definitely still have a lot to learn, I’m glad that I’ve managed to improve my ads slightly and gain more knowledge about advertising.

Get my books into more libraries.

This is the one goal that I haven’t attempted all year. I’m looking into ways that I can get my books into libraries, but I haven’t contacted any yet. This goal will probably roll over into 2023.

Make all of my books available in hardcover.

Every single one of my published books is now available in hardcover! This is my favourite kind of book and I knew I wanted to have hardcovers, even if I don’t sell many. They are currently all on my ‘publishing’ shelf in my living room!

Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo.

Original Elementals #3: Shadowhunter and Celestial Plague #4: Hell were both completed during the months of Camp NaNoWriMo. Original Elementals #5: Tempest was completed during NaNoWriMo in November.

That’s all the goals that I had for 2022! Next week I’ll discuss my goals for 2023, some exciting ones are on there. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles:

Mid-Christmas Horror Giveaway

Magical Winter Fantasy

Why I'm Going to Change the Book Titles in Curse of Anubis

Hi all!

I haven’t talked about Curse of Anubis for a while. For those who don’t know, this is a YA Horror series that will be published after Celestial Plague. There are four books total, all of which have been written but just need to be edited, formatted and get a cover designed. The story follows Tahira, a girl caught in the zombie apocalypse who is guided by Bastet, the Egyptian goddess. It’s up to them to figure out why there are now zombies everywhere and what it has to do with Ra’s disappearance. They meet plenty of other gods along the way and traverse both the human world and the god’s plane together.

The titles that I originally came up with are below:





But I’m not sure if I like those titles so much now. They seem more like placeholders until I come up with better ones. I’ve tried to think of other titles that might fit better, such as: Reincarnation, Resolution, Ra’s Eye, Horus’ Eye, Set’s Revenge etc.

So far nothing has stuck.

Bastet, as she first appears in Curse of Anubis

I’m still brainstorming some ideas about what the names should be, though I’m probably going to go with something along the lines of either the protagonists or the antagonists. Tahira, Bastet, Sekhmet and Mafdet are the protagonists, while Horus, Wadjet, Set and Anubis are the antagonists. I would like to incorporate their names in the titles somewhere, but I’m not sure how that will work yet. I just wanted to make a post about it so it isn’t a shock when it does happen. The series title will be staying the same, just the individual book titles will be changed.

The first book won’t be published until late 2024, so I have time to figure out the names. I may even ask my newsletter subscribers for their thoughts as well. Nothing about the books themselves will change, just the titles.

That’s it for this week, wish me luck in finding the perfect book titles! Next week will be my 2022 year in review, so keep an eye out for that.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles:

Mid-Christmas Horror Giveaway

Magical Winter Fantasy

Years Virtual Advent Calendar

Hi all!

For two years now I have made virtual advent calendars for Elemental Dragons and Mute. For the third year running, the advent calendar is back. This time it will focus on Years, with twenty-four facts over twenty-four days. The following subjects will be posted:

Mother Earth

Gaia Children

The Machines

The Planet

Each topic will get six days each.

As with last year - I’m doing another giveaway for day 25, Christmas Day! One of the following ebook versions will be won:

Blood and Water

Venom and Earth

Glass and Ice

Cinder and Fire




Heaven - to be claimed on release day in April 2023

If you would like a chance at winning one of my ebooks, please read the rules below and go to my Facebook page: Jessica Turnbull Author.

If you’re unsure of what to look out for, check out a few of the facts here:

I hope you enjoy the facts from the Years universe! I’m hoping to make this a yearly occurrence, so next year the advent calendar will be about Celestial Plague. Here is my Facebook page again so you can participate: Jessica Turnbull Author.

That’s it for this week! Good luck to everyone who enters, see you next week.

Ps; don’t forget to check out these fantasy books:

Magical Winter Fantasy

Why I Dyed my Hair Green

Hi all!

Last week I got my hair dyed. You might be asking why this warrants a blog post, but don't worry, I'll explain! Firstly, check out the pictures below:

This is such a big deal as I haven't been able to dye my hair for over a decade. I have alopecia, though mine is quite mild. Alopecia is when the immune system attacks hair follicles to cause hair loss. Mine started when I was in secondary school, around the time I was starting my GCSEs. I was advised that mine was probably exacerbated by stress, which wasn't anything I could really do about until my exams were over.

One thing that my GP did suggest is that I should stop dying my hair, as this could be making the alopecia worse. I had reddish hair at the time, which I then had to grow out.

Luckily the trend for balayage came in around the same time, so no-one really gave much attention to the fact that I had long brown roots with red hair. Well, except my so called "friends". I got a lot of grief from them for the way my hair looked and was told to just ‘dye over it’. Although teachers at school were aware that I had alopecia, none of them did anything to help me with it.

A few years ago I got the bus and saw this woman with beautiful green hair. I knew that if I could ever dye my hair again, that would be the colour I'd go. Now after ten years, I'm proud to say that I have!

I love the colour and I'm going to get more green added next time as its quite subtle at the moment. I'm glad that my hair is finally at a point where I can dye it again without causing bald patches. My mental health has improved in leaps and bounds from where I was at the beginning of the year. I'm nowhere near as stressed as I used to be and my hair is in great condition. Even one of the bald patches that stubbornly refused to grow is now sprouting a few hairs!

I'm so glad that I was finally able to get it done and I hope that this shows that my alopecia hopefully won't be too much of a problem again in the future. Maybe I'll try some other colours too.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to take a look at these books:

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Box Set Kindle Unlimited Promo

Magical Winter Fantasy

Wyrm Evolutions in Elemental Dragons

Hi all,

This week I'm going to talk about the Wyrms. It's been a while since I've written a blog post on Elemental Dragons and thought I'd change that. In the series we learn that the Wyrms want to evolve to become the ultimate dragon species. To do that, the scientists have genetically engineered Elemental serum that they can consume. The only catch is that they need to wait several years for the serum to mature inside of Hazel and their friends. Some of them do get to consume some of the characters for their powers, but I want to write about how each element would make them evolve.


A water Elemental will make them evolve gills. This enables them to breathe underwater and on land, giving them the opportunity to take out all kinds of species of dragon.


This would give them the ability to breathe fire. Fire is the only element that acts the same in Wyrms as it does in Western Dragons. They'll be able to create and manipulate fire and will develop heat resistance.


They would evolve rock-like spikes around their necks which they could use as defense. The necks are their most vulnerable spot, so evolving these would make it harder for their enemies to kill them.


A pair of bony wings will sprout from their backs if they consume a wind Elemental. The wings won't have any membranes so they can't fly properly, however.


Their scales will grow thicker and they will no longer be effected by the cold. This would be good for them as they can then pursue dragon species that live high in the mountains or in harsher environments.


With this element, their tail will evolve. It will become thinner and more sleek and also act as a lightning rod. When struck, the Wyrms will become more frenzied in their attacks.


Their eyes will grow larger and will glow. They will be able to see perfectly in the absence of all light. Because of the glow however, they will be easier to spot in darker places. They will also struggle in the day time as the light around them will be brighter.


If they eat a dark Elemental, their scales will become darker. Depending on the amount of light around them, their scales will change to blend in with their environment. In the daytime they will be almost see-through, while at night they will be practically invisible.


Just for fun, I thought I'd include this element too! If they consume a metal Elemental, their jaws and teeth will turn into steel. This will never rust and will make them more of a challenge in battle.

That's it for this week! I hope you enjoyed reading, see you next week.

PS; if you’re looking for a new series to read, check out the boxsets in this bundle!

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Box Set Kindle Unlimited Promo

Heaven Cover Design

Hi all,

This week it’s time for the cover reveal for Celestial Plague #2: Heaven! This is the second book of four in the series and has bee designed by my cover designer, Deranged Doctor Design. They will also be designing the other covers for series, which the dates have been booked for. As always, I’ll update my banners and promo images when Heaven goes up for pre-order in early 2023. Without further ado, here is the cover…

As always, I’ll talk a bit about the design here:

  • The MC on this cover is Ashleigh. As explained with Celestial Plague #1: Nirvana, each main character will get their own book. The next one will have Raya on the cover.

  • Again, my colour scheme was scrapped so DDD came up with it and I love it!

  • The typography is the same across all the books and matches the YA genre.

  • Ashleigh is standing in a different part of the city to Shannon, which is why some of the buildings aren’t burning on this one.

  • I did consider adding infected on this one as well but I think just having Ashleigh is enough.

  • Ashleigh’s power is hard to capture on a book cover so I decided not to show it. I think it’s better that she isn’t changing the colour of her clothes or anything.

  • As it fits with her personality in the books, she is all covered up. She usually wears her hood over her head but I’m glad that DDD went without the hood up.

  • My favourite part of the cover is the sun rising in the background. It makes everything look even more eerie.

Heaven will be available in April 2023 and will probably go up for pre-order in late January or early February. The next book in the series, Celestial Plague #3: Purgatory, will have its cover designed around the same time.

That’s it for this week! I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to grab these boxsets while they’re free to download in Kindle Unlimited!

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Box Set Kindle Unlimited Promo

How I Find Anthologies to Submit to

Hi all!

This week I wanted to talk about anthologies and competitions. I know I've mentioned this website in a previous blog post, but I want to expand a bit on it here. I found this website thanks to Christopher Fielden! His website also contains lists of competitions and magazines you can submit to, which you can check out here: Christopher Fielden

The Submission Grinder.

It's a website they filters various submissions for you. For example, you can search for competitions looking for 500 words of fantasy writing. They have various categories that you can choose from and it will bring up all available that are accepting submissions. Upon clicking on a certain listing, you'll be taken to a landing page with more details. You can see their website, what they accept and the length of the piece. You can also see how many submissions they've had through the website and what stage they're at.

I've used this website to find a few anthologies. I like expanding my writing portfolio this way and adding new publications to my website! I've submitted stories to quite a few places and some have been lucky enough to find homes. I've even found a publisher whose books and prompts I've fallen in love with, so I'll continue to submit to them!

All of the anthologies I've submitted to have had no submission fee, which is what I prefer. So, if you're on a budget, this site is perfect. There are also a few publishers who will pay you for your story, which is really exciting!

Before submitting anywhere I would recommend doing a bit of research. Just so you can get an idea about what kind of publishing company they are. You don't want to submit to a predatory publisher, or one who strips you of your story's rights permanently. I always do a quick Google search to see if anything negative immediately pops up for the publisher.

Overall, I love this website and will continue to use it in the future! I love submitting to anthologies and seeing my story amongst those of other authors. It also means that my bookshelf gets filled with more awesome books.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading. See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out this boxset bundle!

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Box Set Kindle Unlimited Promo

My Favourite Bookmarks

Hi all!

I use a lot of bookmarks for my paperback books that I really love so I thought I'd share them with you! I discovered these two artists on Twitter and I fell in love with their art and knew I had to buy some of their stuff.


You may recognise this artist as they illustrated the poster for Glass and Ice. I love their work on animals and knew that I needed some of their bookmarks. I picked the above two as they were the designs I loved the most. The tiger is gorgeous and the tassel colour is perfect to go with it. The fox one was a harder decision as it was between that one and a dragon one! I ultimately went with the fox as I preferred the spacial theme and the tail was what really sold it for me. The bookmarks themselves are a great fit and are pretty sturdy.


I only recently discovered this artist with their Pokémon drawings. Although all of the bookmarks are amazing, I went with the panther as I adore the way its staring through the leaves. The fauna they draw are ones that I personally haven't seen drawn often and I love the fact that they're drawn with big cats. The tiger one was a freebie as the ribbon hole was drilled in the wrong end, but I really like it! The ribbon makes it look like the tiger is playing with it. Mishka prefers these bookmarks as she loves the ribbons, though maybe she also likes the fact that they're big cats. These bookmarks feel really nice and slot into books perfectly. I love the finish on them.

I highly recommend both artists for their work and you can check out their shops here:



That's it for this week! Show the artists some love, as they definitely deserve it. See you next week.

PS; check out this boxset bundle. All books are fantasy and free to download in Kindle Unlimited!

Fantasy & Sci-Fi Box Set Kindle Unlimited Promo

I Finally Signed up To Kindle Unlimited

Hi all,

I saw Amazon were offering a free trail of Kindle Unlimited, or KU, when I was looking for books the other day. KU is a subscription service with Amazon where you pay a monthly fee and can download as many ebooks as you want. As long as the author has enrolled their ebook in KU, you can download it for free. I've always put off getting KU as I wasn't sure how good it will be.

Well, I wish I had done it sooner.

There are so many good books on KU and I've downloaded quite a few already! Books that I had read previously have the entire series on KU, so I've been adding them to my library to read later. Already I'm saving myself quite a bit of money for one subscription. When I signed up I was on the fence about keeping it, but now I definitely will.

I know it's going to help me achieve my goal of reading 100 books this year. Thanks to it, I'll probably go over this goal.

Some of the pros I've found so far are:

Its cheaper.

I'm saving a lot of money downloading the books in KU than if I were to outright buy them. This is a lot of help for those who read a lot of books but can't afford to buy every one.

You're still supporting the author.

Even though you're downloading the book for free, you're still supporting the author. For every page you read, the author gets paid. If you stop reading halfway, then they only get paid according to the pages you read. You're still supporting your favourite authors with your subscription!


There are a lot of books in KU, with new ones getting added every day. Some people may find that they're downloading more books than they can read.

If you're on the fence with subscribing to KU, I'd take advantage of Amazon's free trail just so you can see what it's like. As long as you cancel before they charge you if it's not for you, you don't have to pay anything.

Also, a little reminder: all of my books are enrolled in KU! So if you do sign up then you'll be able to download all of my books for free.

That's it for this week, I hope you enjoyed reading! See you next week.

PS; don’t forget to check out these book bundles! All of the books are in Kindle Unlimited too:

Flights of Fantasy

Dragon Books

Seashine - Excerpt

Hi all,

This week I’m going to share the beginning of Celestial Plague #0: Seashine. It’s a prequel enovella for the Celestial Plague series and is only available when you sign up to my mailing list. You can also download the Elemental Dragons Short Story Collection, Famished and Solar Child. All for free!

She can do nothing but watch as the test subject thrashes on his stretcher, a feral roar exploding from his lungs. His eyes are pink and bloodshot, but she can clearly see the signature blue ring setting around his irises.

Phase one, complete. She mentally checks off. 

The other people in the room watch with a mixture of disgust and awe as the man's skin starts to turn a sickly grey. Her heartbeat quickens at the thought of being close to their goal, but then he slumps backwards with his mouth hanging open. 


For a few seconds no-one says anything until her boss, the one in charge of this project, clears his throat and steps forward. 

"I thought we had it." He curses, picking at a scab on his neck. 

"We were so close. Next time we'll have it for sure." She reassures him. 

His gaze snaps to her and she can't help but stare at his eyes. Pure black but conveying such intense annoyance. For a second, she's afraid she's said the wrong thing, he has an extreme temper, but then his shoulders relax. 

"You're right, Oceana. The positive thing is that he survived phase one. That has to count for something, right?" 

Oceana dips her head. "Of course, Dr West." 

He sighs. "Let's see what our investors have to say." 

Oceana follows him out of the sterile white room, relieved to be away from the body. She could handle them while they're living and changing, but the second they die she gets squeamish. The second time she fainted while handling them, so Dr West now gets one of the cleaners to do it. She thought she was fired for sure; he was so angry. 

Out in the hallway the 'investors' have gathered. Her eyes drift to the man with two large red tentacles for arms. He’s the one they have to please the most, as his unit is funding most of their project. His power still puts her off every time she sees him though.

"Dr West, we're impressed with what we saw." 

Oceana has to grit her teeth to prevent her mouth from dropping open. How could they be impressed with that? The experiment was a total failure despite the subject lasting past phase one.

"I'm glad to hear that." Dr West replies, not even an ounce of surprise in his voice. 

"And you, Fish Girl, how is the upgrade for the Bots going?" 

Oceana flinches at his tone. It doesn't matter how many times she tells these people her name, they always call her Fish Girl. She resists the urge to stare at the green and blue scales that cover the back of her hands. The scales cover her entire body, giving her the 'look' of a fish despite the rest of her being human. However, she wasn't going to let it get to her. She was teased relentlessly about her power in school and isn't about to relive that again. 

"Eighty percent complete." She answers, looking him right in the eye. 

Uncomfortable, he looks away. "Good. On our next visit I want it at ninety percent." 

Dr West glances over his shoulder at her. "Is that possible, Oceana?" 

"Yes sir." 

Although her main job is robotics and engineering in the Halo-O department, Dr West handpicked her to help with his secret project. She had been honoured at first, then horrified once she understood what it was, now it just leaves her with a numb feeling. Work isn’t as mundane as it used to be, but sometimes she wishes it was.

"Good. We'll be back in two weeks to check your progress." He says, trying not to glance in her direction. 

Dr West nods and the group leaves, walking single file down the slim corridor. Fluorescent red strips have been added to the walls to lead the way, the colour red was chosen as Dr West assumed many people would think danger and not wander too far down. So far, apart from one or two, he had been right.

"Don't let him get to you," Dr West says. "He's one of the biggest assholes I've ever met." 

She smiles politely, unsure of how to respond. "Do you need me to set up for the next round?" 

"No. Go work with the Bots for the rest of your shift. We'll begin again tomorrow." 

She tries not to let her relief show. Instead, she nods and follows the red strips out into another hallway. As she makes her way to the robotics department, marked with florescent green strips, she tries to calm her beating heart. They had been so close this time, the virus was so close to taking. But why hadn't it? She trusted Dr West's theories and knew that they would get there at some point. 

At least the Sergeant was pleased. 

Swiping her key card once she reaches the giant metal door, she ignores the stares of her colleagues as she makes her way to her desk, situated in the middle of the room. Blueprints and various wires are strewn across it, which she pushes to one side to log in to her computer. As she's scouring her emails for the day, she doesn't realise someone is in front of her until a Bot eye is dropped on her desk. It's grey with a single slit in the middle, storing the facial recognition software and direction input. 

"This one broke down again." Her colleague says. 

She doesn't bother looking up at him. "This looks like Warren's work to me."

The crazed cult leader was against anything that went against his view of the world. He believed that everyone’s powers are the work of the devil, and they should never use them. They need to avoid the urge of temptation and ignore their powers until God cleanses them of them. All his teachings ignore the fact that everyone is born like this, a lot of people don’t even want the powers they have. His followers have destroyed many Bots before, targeting the street cleaners. It baffles her that people could destroy something that is innocently trying to clean their area and make sure they're safe.

From the corner of her eye, she can see her colleague shrug. "You know Warren." 

Oceana pushes her glasses further up her nose, this wouldn't be an easy fix, if she could even fix it at all. Most of the wires have been sliced through and the hardware inside is fried. The outer shell has been dented and crumpled like a piece of paper. 

"I think we have to write this one off." She says with a sigh.

"No can do. Management wants this one up and running to look at its chip." 

She plucks a frayed wire from the mess. "They want this fixed?" 

Her colleague's face goes sour. "Dr West himself recommended your services. According to him you're the best one for the job." 

She doesn't need to meet his gaze to feel the hostility rolling off him in waves. Ever since Dr West picked her for his side project her colleagues have been nothing but rude and jealous. At first it had bothered her, but then she realised that they were just waiting for her to fail, and she wasn't going to give them the satisfaction. 

"Fine. It will take a few weeks." 

"I'm sure Fish Girl won't disappoint." 

She can only glare at the back of his head when he walks away. Everyone uses her appearance against her, not caring if it hurts. 

Glancing at the mess on the table, she heaves a sigh. "I'll try my best." 




As Oceana is on the latest shift, she's the last one out of her department. She’s managed to get a few of the dents out of the Bot but that’s about it. Its resilient shell proved hard to mould and shape. She nods to a security guard as she passes by, almost getting to reception before getting called back. 

"Excuse me, are you Oceana?" 

She pauses and turns back to the female guard. "Yes." 

"And you're working with Dr West?" 

Oceana's scales prickle at the line of questioning. "Yes." 

The woman visibly relaxes. "There's an alarm going off in Dr West's office. I can't get hold of him and don't have clearance to turn it off. Can you help?" 

"Of course." 

The two women make their way down the corridor, smiling at everyone they pass. Once they get to Dr West's office the guard pauses before opening the door. A high-pitched alarm immediately cuts through, making Oceana's ears thrum. She opens the panel by the door and punches in the code and after a second they're left with only the ringing in their ears. 

"Thank you. It’s been going off for ages." 

"Do you know what triggered it?" 

"No idea. I checked the CCTV; no-one has been in or out for hours." 

Although Oceana knows that she should turn around and go home, a prickle in her gut wants her to go in. "Do you mind if I take a look around? Just in case it was a faulty wire." 

"That would be great, thanks. I don't want it going off again after you've left." 

The guard leaves her to it and Oceana peers into the room. Unlike the other offices this one has carpet, a deep burgundy. The walls are filled with Dr West's awards and achievements, with a few also standing up on his desk. There are two bookshelves at the back of the room, filled with textbooks about machinery and DNA. To her surprise there's also a famous romance novel shoved in the middle, she didn't take him as a fiction reader. 

She slides under his desk to look through the wires, checking if any are damaged or frayed. Once she's happy that it wasn't a fire alarm that was triggered, she sits up and returns to the panel. She punches a new code to do a room check, which whirs for a few seconds before a message pops up on the screen. 

"'Unidentified obstruction'? Where?" 

She runs the diagnostic again, but it comes back with the same message. That's when the sound of scratching from behind the wall makes her skin crawl. She presses her ear against the wall, trying to locate the source of the sound. 


The voice makes her jump. "Dr West! They finally got hold of you?" 

"Yes, I just checked my messages. What are you doing?" 

She taps the message on the panel. "It says there's an obstruction. I hear scratching so it might be a rat." 

To her surprise he relaxes and runs another diagnostic check. "I hope not. The last thing we need is something getting wedged behind a wall." 

"Maybe we could set traps in the vents. If they can get in a wall they can get in there." 

"Good idea. I'll get on that tomorrow. Thank you for your help." 

She smiles politely and walks out, back towards reception to go home. The scratching in the walls had been creepy, but it was just a rat. She hopes that they won’t chew their way through her desk as well.

That’s it for this week! If you sign up to my mailing list, you’ll get four FREE enovellas and a monthly email with updates, short stories and giveaways. See you next week!

PS; don’t forget to check out these fantasy book bundles!

Flights of Fantasy

Dragon Books